Monday, September 21, 2009

Thinking Back...

Continuing with the theme, here is the entry I wrote on Thursday, September 21st, 2006:

Well, we went to the hospital last night because I was having pretty strong contractions 5 minutes apart, lasting about a minute, for over an hour. We thought, "Yea, this is it!" I got hooked up to a monitor, and sure enough, I was having contractions. The baby's head was really low and my cervix was "very favorable" but it just wouldn't dilate past 2cm. So at 2:00am, we decided to go home and get some sleep in our own bed. I was able to sleep and the contractions seemed to decrease overnight. Joe and I took a long walk this morning to get things going, and I am now having pretty strong irregular contractions. I'm obviously not working...I'm not sure how I would run groups having to deal with a contraction every few minutes! So, my maternity leave has started, minus a baby. I sure hope she decides to come in the next few days! If I continue to have bad contractions, I'll probably go back in and have my water broken, according to the nurse. Well, that's the update. Hopefully the next time will be the real thing, or at least closer to the real thing. Stay tuned...


April said...

HA! Had one of those false alarms too. As I was driving home, I was thinking... "But these contractions are really strong... why am I going home?" Couldn't believe when I woke up that they were GONE! Especially since the nurses predicted me back there in about 5 hours... wrong!
LOL love the photo... I think we all have one of those "BEFORE" photos :)

Sunny said...

It's so fun to think back to those last few moments before we became mothers. I've been thinking of the evening that I went into labor. Being at a restaurant and thinking, "Hmmm... either this food gave me indigestion or... could these be contractions?" Then life changed forever, for the better. :)

Happy last day of Ella being 2!