Monday, September 7, 2009

Remembering 9/11 Blog Hop

I've decided to try this Blog Hop thing, where each week there is a new topic to blog about, with links to other blogs talking about the same topic. It's my first time, so we'll see if it works, and if I can keep up with a weekly, random, post. This week's topic is "Remembering 9/11."

I remember it was my very first day of OT school. We were all sitting in class, wondering what our professor was going to be like. I remember her saying, "This could be the start of World War Three." At this point, nobody really understood what was going on. When I got back to my house that afternoon, I turned on the news and just sat in awe. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I saw, in real time I believe, the second tower crumble. It might have the the first tower, but my memory is a little foggy. I remember getting tears in my eyes. I remember that Joe was supposed to go to Milwaukee for a Brewers baseball game, but it was cancelled. I remember wanting to find a church to go to and then sitting on our front porch with my roommates, lighting candles in memoriam. What an absolutely horrible day. A day we don't want to remember, because of the pain it caused so many people, but a day we must remember, as it will be written in history books, talked about in text books in school, be written on students' time lines that they have to create for homework. A day that brought people together in this country, made people hug their loved ones a little closer, and helped people realize what the important things are in life.

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Sunny said...

Yes, what a horrible, horrible day. I remember my first reaction was denial -- "No, there must be some mistake. There's no way a plane could have flown into the World Trade Center." It was very sobering as the weight of the events really sunk in. Devastating.

Audreee said...

I was in class too. I had a horrid 8 am biology class.I was driving home when I heard what was going on.I figured I was safe because I was attending college in Richmond, VA.My family all lives in the DC metro, so I was worried. I remember writing my roomate a note, telling her the world was ending.
I agree. It was a horrible day.