Monday, September 27, 2010

Straight No Chaser

No, it's not how I take my drink, it's the name of an a capella group Joe and I saw in concert last night.  They got their start as a college group at Indiana University and then continued after they all graduated.  They wound up on Youtube and Atlantic Records discovered them.  They are truely amazing.  You really should check out Straight No Chaser!

This video is a little long, but it is so worth it!

Switching topics, Nathan had to be taken to urgent care over the weekend.  It happened on the one Saturday I had to work, of course.  Nathan was having trouble breathing and just sounded horrible.  Turns out he had croup...again.  He's had it a few times before, usually in the winter.  I guess he's just starting early!  So, he's on antibiotics and steriods.  He doesn't really act sick, he just sounds sick.  Hopefully this isn't a preview of how this fall and winter is going to be.

Ella is doing great at preschool.  She loves it and always asks if it is a preschool day.  Today at the park I was telling Nathan that after lunch we would take Ella to preschool and that he would have to take a nap.  Ella pipes up, "But you're gonna have so much more fun than me Nathan, all I get to do is learn."  She was trying to make him feel better since he always wants to stay when we drop her off. 

I am loving the Fall weather...however, I'm *this close* to turning on the heat.  It's chilly in the morning!

1 comment:

The Blackburn Buzz said...

We turned on our heat this morning! ;)