Friday, April 23, 2010

ENT Time

Nathan had his follow-up appointment with the ENT today. During our 5 minute appointment, which will probably cost upwards of $300, we were told that Nate's ears look just fine. The tubes are open and his ears were clear. We go back in 6 months and will get a hearing test at that time. Speaking of ears...I think I mentioned that Ella was having some hearing problems again. I took her into the pediatrician, and it turns out she had a double ear infection. She just finished her round of antibiotics today. What is it with my kids and their ears???

Nathan has regressed in the sleeping department, as I wrote about previously. His most recent trick is to wake up screaming around 10:00pm and want to go downstairs to have a snack. I gave in to this request for a few nights, then realized what a bad habit I was creating. So last night we said "No." And boy did that cause a melt-down. I mean a full-blown, screaming, possessed-like, tantrum, that lasted for over an hour, and left Joe with a nice bite mark on his arm. Bruise and all. I am smacking myself in the forehead, clueless as to what to do. I can't let him "cry it out." It's just too hard on me, and probably him at this age. A friend of mine is letting me borrow her book called, "Good Night, Sleep Tight: The Sleep Lady's Gentle Guide to Helping Your Child Go To Sleep, Stay Asleep, and Wake Up Happy." Sounds good to me! My parents are having Ella over for a sleep-over tonight so we can start trying some new techniques with Nathan. How much do you want to bet that he sleeps through the night tonight, no problem? I just want everyone to be able to get a full night of sleep, no interuptions. Some day, right?

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