Monday, March 31, 2008

A little bit anxious...

I had my second OB appointment this morning. I had to take Ella along since I didn't have anybody to babysit...I'll have to plan a bit more in advance for the next time! My doctor decided to move my due date up to October 19th, which makes me 11 weeks and 1 day. She told me since I was close to 12 weeks, she would attempt to locate the heartbeat, but I had to promise not to "wig out" if she couldn't find it. Well guess what? She couldn't find it. And guess what else? I'm wigging out. I have to go back in 1 week when I am truely 12 weeks and she will try again. If not successful, I will have to have another ultrasound to see what's going on. I'm sure everything is okay, but I can't help but worry.

On a more positive note, I am beginning to feel better and some days I even have an appetite! I haven't had to miss any work luckily. The other day I did have to step out of a patient's room and get some air because I definitely thought I was going to be sick. But, crisis averted, it passed.

Ella seems to have recovered from her ear infections and is beginning to talk up a storm. She is saying, "Momma, Dada, Bumpers, walk, coat, hat, more, all done, uh-oh, no, wa-wa (water), toot, and poop." The last two crack me up whenever she says them. Her newest thing is to shake her head and say "no" to whatever I ask her, even if it's, "Do you want another cookie?" I don't think she quite understands the concept!

I'll post an update in a week after my next appointment. Send us good thoughts!

1 comment:

April said...

You're one week ahead of schedule! Feel good about that! You could be showing soon :).

You will hear the heartbeat next time. Even if you see it in a line pattern through the ultrasound.
Try not to let it consume your thoughts. Everything will be great!